Saturday, March 1, 2008

successful arrival etc

I'm here in India. My flight was less traumatic then I'd expected...I had an entire row to myself on Virgin from San Francisco to London, which meant I slept like a rock all 10 hours. My British Airways flight from London to Bangalore was also fairly peaceful. I did arrive this morning at the ungodly hour of 5, but I actually feel rather rested.

Couldn't find my driver initally, but the nice fellows from the Oberoi called him for me. The villa I'm staying at is nice and clean, and I like the people I've met thus far already. Bangalore is leafy and green and full of flowers - not a bad place to be. It feels a lot less madcap then China, believe it or not. (They haven't completely eradicated nature here yet like they have in Beijing.)

Thus far, I've drunk a lot of chai (yummy), bought some cornflakes and am now attempting to procure a copy of my passport so I can buy a cellphone card. Developments awake.

People honk instead of braking here just like in China. Good ol' Asia.

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