Friday, April 4, 2008


Almost totally non-descript. Sorry. I will try to involve myself in more wacky Thai drug lord related adventures in the near future, okay?

We went to work. I was still feeling mildly vicious about the whole UCSC thing and didn't eat much, though in my defense I did manage to get plenty of work done. I hope I have only been a mildly crap intern.

I walked down Brigade Road for a while out of a sense of nothing in particular. It's a nice enough walk, going past the creepy old opera house, fading into some nice green stands of trees. There's this covered area full of people tapping away at typewriters for some reason I am unable to discern. Seeing a typewriter in any format in 2008 is kind of fascinating.

Unfortunately I got one asswipe sort of rickshaw driver, who decided that instead of depositing me on, say, Thippasandra, he would drop my ass off at the airport instead. And attempt to charge me 100 rupees for the privilege. I peppered him with colorful obscenity, gave him 70 rupees, and decided to walk home. I had no idea where I was and with my happy dreams of an afternoon nap shattered, I walked back in a vicious state of mind. I wandered down quite a few dodgy looking alley-ways (children yelling at me the entire time), ambled like an idiot somewhere in the region of Thippasandra, and managed to convince a kindly old man on a bicycle to direct me somewhere in the region of home. I immediately went to sleep, determined to kill all rickshaw drivers someday, somehow.

I woke up eventually and walked down to the Breeze for a palak chicken (chicken in spinach sauce) and a chat with the others, who were eating a chicken dosa and doing nothing in particular.

Aneesa, Carli, and her brother wanted to see a three hour Bollywood epic but I politely declined, preferring to wait around and hope that someone would go to the Night Boozer and take me with them. Unfortunately this did not happen, which meant I spent the evening drinking putrid but potent Old Monk and watching bad TV. You win some, you lose some.

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